The rings were always a nightmare to attatch to this dress. This is my second time making this dress and it's never any fun doing this step. I've come up with an easier method of making the rings, but it's always a huge pain in the butt to sew them on. Rings are made out of white pleather (that I had leftover from when I made my Crisis Core Aerith shoes), white glitter casa satin, and heavy interfacing for added stiffness. At first, I used straight stitches to attach them, but the edges didn't lay the way I wanted them to so I went over them again with a zig-zag stitch.
The whole process was a complete nightmare and is always my least favorite task when making Serenity's dress. Boning was added as well since the lining was starting to fray so bad that if I didn't add the lining soon, I probably wouldn't have been able to at all, so I inserted the boning into the casings and serged the fraying bottom edge of the lining. I'm glad that part is over with at least... now I just have to reinforce the tops of the rings. After that is done, I can start beading this thing. I'm still waiting for my lace to come in the mail, but I'm afraid that it may take another month to arrive and I need it now. Grrr!!!
Looking pretty good so far.